To View Research Concerning the Academic Benefits of Individual Instrument Study for Children go to:
The Suzuki method is an educational philosophy focusing on developing ability and character within a nurturing environment. Specifically designed to teach children from a very young age, focusing on ear training, memorization, brain development and proper physical techniques for playing the instrument. The student is introduced to reading music notation usually from the beginning or as student readiness happens. The reading of music will use a different method book which is not of the Suzuki repertoire; much teaching and learning comes from games which are theory based. By the time the student begins the Suzuki Volume Book 2 they will be able to begin to incorporate their reading notation skills and their ear training abilities. Older students benefit from the Suzuki approach as well. If a student has vision problems, learning disabilities or simply responds to audible and physical approaches to learning easier than to visual teaching methods, Suzuki works well. Children who might be prone to performance anxiety may thrive with Suzuki, also, as the method encourages frequent group performances and stresses cooperation rather than competition.
Students are encouraged to improvise, write their own pieces, play duets, and develop their unique interests.
The program for the birth or pre-birth student consists of the listening programs (awake and sleep programming). Depending on the student or listening program and group class work such as MUSICAL KIDS CLASSES,piano work can begin by the age of 18-24 months. The MUSICAL KIDS CLASSES is a group general music class which develops a child’s brain as well as developing a sense of rhythm, phrasing, cadencing, analyzing of listening music, movement, playing of percussion instruments and early rhythmic reading of music. This is a very special time for students and parents. While it does take patience and time, it is extremely rewarding.
To view an experience
of music enriching lives of participants and those around them
watch this fantastic Cowan couple on the Mayo Clinic atrium piano